Saturday, October 11, 2008

Chpater Three

When I turned in the first few entries, you said it made you laugh. This is a good thing, Ms. Bloch, except I wasn’t trying to be funny. But today Jonas stopped me in the hallway.
“Hey, Olive, what’s the homework for Bloch’s class?”
“Chapter two.”
“Thanks. What class do you have now?”
“Free period.”
“Me too. Want to go smoke?”
I don’t smoke but I went with him. I passed Mark, who waved, but looked confused. I waved back.
We walked outside, and went across the street to the corner where everyone goes to smoke. I had never been, but it seemed like Jonas knew all the burnout kids who go there. I hoped my parents wouldn’t drive by.
“Want one?”
“Sure.” I didn’t.
He lit it for me, and I inhaled, trying not to cough.
“Have you done the homework yet?”
“No. I hate reading.”
“Oh, me too.” I wasn’t sure what to say, or why I was here.
“Ms. Bloch is making me write a journal.” I hope it’s ok I told him that. You didn’t tell me not to tell anyone.
“Really? Weird. What do you write about.”
You, I thought.
“Uhm, people.”
“Oh, really?”
The cigarette was making me woozy, like my fingers were asleep.
“I saw you writing in it, I think. In class. Is it like graded?”
“I hope not.”
“That’s weird.”
“I also saw your notebook had lyrics on it. I like The Blow too.”
“Yeah.” I was feeling like I was going to throw up. He stubbed his cigarette out.
“Do you like punk?”
“You don’t talk a lot, huh?”
“I guess not.”
“Like, what bands?”
“Minor Threat.”
“I love Minor Threat.” He didn’t need to know that I had a terminal crush on Ian MacKaye, even though he’s old.
“I like Fugazi too. His other band”
“Yeah, they’re good., I have all those records. Do you like records?”
“I guess.” I threw my cigarette in the woods.
“Hey, Smokey, don’t start a forest fire.” Some burnout called to me. I blushed.
“Ignore Jake.” Jonas smiled. “Want to go back?”
“You should come over sometime, I’ll show you my records.”
“Okay.” I think I got asked out. I’ll have to tell Astor that.
“What are you doing Friday?” Big plans, playing dress up with my sister.
“Want to come over?”
“I can pick you up. Where do you live?”
“Jordan Terrace.”
“Hey, I live on Wilton. That’s close.”
“I can walk.”
“Nah, I’ll come get you.”
“Do you smoke pot?”
“Not yet.” He laughed.
“You want to?”
“Yeah.” I hoped my parents would be proud I was misbehaving.
“Awesome. We’ll get stoned and listen to records.” That sounded kind of stupid, and I realized Jonas probably isn’t very smart. But he’s pretty nice.

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